The search continues.. 

It has been said that I’m just constantly looking for new diagnosis. That I want to be ‘more ill’. I suppose, in a way, this is partially true. I am searching for another diagnosis. Maybe more than one. In fact, I’m devoting a hell of a lot of my life to it. But I don’t want to be more ill. Why would anyone want to be more ill??

You see, I just don’t feel my search is over. From the very beginning I have beaten my own path when it comes to my healthcare. Since being a child I knew there was something drastically wrong, but I was always met with disdain. Many doctors simply felt I was a hypochondriac. Even when I started collapsing I was told, to my face, I’d done it for attention. (Erm, no, floors are hard and painful. That is not how I would get attention thank you very much.) So getting a diagnosis was a huge relief for me. Getting several came as a shock. 

You’d think I’d be happy with that. For a few years I was. But then I learned about my conditions. I realised that my body and the way it works does not properly fit the conditions I have. The medications I’ve been given do not control symptoms as they should. Many symptoms I suffer shouldn’t even be there. This does not sit well with me. The final straw has come when one of my diagnosis has been disproven altogether. So many symptoms cannot be explained at all. If they can’t be explained, how can they be treated?? 

So the search resumes. 

Here’s the thing though. I’m not a hypochondriac. Nor am I a martyr to my illness. I do not want to prove myself more ill, nor be more disabled. But giving up on the search is like admitting this is it. This is as good as it gets. My quality of life now is the best it will be. 

I’m not willing to do that yet. I want to try everything. Check every possibility and see if there is ANYTHING that can improve my health. That can make me a better mother and wife. I’ll go through the horrible tests. I’ll trial the medications. I’ll put up with the side effects. Because I hope that one of the tests will find the last missing piece of my puzzle. I believe that there’s still something, or someone out there that can help me improve. Even if it’s just 5%. I’ll take that 5% and I’ll use it on my family. 

If not? If I’m wrong? Well, at least I’ll know I tried.